Saturday, April 4, 2009

online poker cash

The game of poker is not new. Descending from the French poque and German pochen, the game has evolved to the present day Poker games. While historians widely vary on the history of the game, traces of its existence have been found in the early nineteenth century gaming world. Originating in Europe, the game spread to America and through Americans to Asia.

One of the reasons you can do well with such reviews is that there are hundreds of online casinos providing online poker rooms for you and they use no less than twenty different software platforms. Selection of the real compatible site would be one of the most difficult tasks that the online poker room reviews would make easier for you.

Historians world over differ widely on the subject of origin of the poker game. One of the theories that have been widely accepted in the gaming circle is that the game is a descendant of the French Poque that itself descended from the German card game named Pochen. The meaning of the term pochen is to knock while in its Dutch version it means “to brag”. However till date there is no consensus opinion about the origins of the popular card game.
One can safely conclude that all these games had some influence or other on the poker game that has regenerated itself with the latest versions of online poker games available in multiple online casinos on the Internet.

If you go by the literary creations then you may look at “An Exposure of the arts and Miseries of Gambling” by Jonathan H.Green in 1843. Even before that Joseph Crowell had reported that the game of poker was a regular feature in the gambling circles of New Orleans in 1829. The Mississippi riverboats, on which gambling was a regular and prime feature, created a wide circle of gamblers all playing the game of poker. This was instrumental in the spread of the games throughout the European gambling circles.

Conflicting opinions are there about the decks used for the poker game. However, gradually the English full 52 card deck became the tradition for this game. Draw Poker and Stud Poker, the 5-card variants of the game evolved during the American Civil Wars. The American gambling circles added many new features like the “straight” and the “wild card”. They continued the additions with “lowball” and “split-spot poker” versions in the beginning of the twentieth century.

The game was spread to Asia around the year 1925 with the community card poker rooms versions made popular by the American Military personnel deputed to the Asian continent during and after the First World War. internet poker room as a game is perhaps most popular in America and Europe, especially in English speaking nations. It has become part of the American and English Culture to day.